Selasa, 27 November 2012

do you still remember....

Diposting oleh anindita di 18.18 0 komentar

beberapa hari yang lalu, gw dan suami jalan ke Epicentrum Kuningan buat nonton pameran @pekankreatif. well niat kami tidak tulus suci buat nonton sih, lebih tepatnya kami habis membaca timeline sebuah situs travelling yang menawarkan hadiah paket liburan ke Karimunjawa buat pendatang yang beruntung, ya kami tertarik dong :p

naik motor melewati jalan-jalan di Kuningan...mata gw terpancang ke sebuah gedung bernama Setiabudi One; colek punggung suami... "hei, inget gak dulu di gedung itu kita ngapain?"

"tau dong...dulu di sana pertama kali kita ngomong-ngomong dan memutuskan untuk menikah...."

jeziiiiing...seketika otak saya berdenting, pertanda bahwa sekali lagi jawaban suami tidak seperti yang saya perkirakan. oh iya ya? ada acara begitu ya? yang gw inget sesungguhnya itu gedung dimana gw ngeyel minta dianterin buat acara buka puasa bareng di Anomali Coffee dan si suami (dulu masih pacar) nekat balik hujan-hujan buat buka puasa sama temennya di Cikini, lalu balik lagi menembus kemacetan jemput gw. daaangggggg!! ternyata habis itu ada adegan kamu ngelamar aku ya yang? ahahahahahahaha. *dijotos


well sebenarnya kita dulu udah sering ngomongin soal nikah sih, tapi gak pernah benar-benar mutusin. cuman berkisar soal cita-cita finansial, rencana-rencana ketika berkeluarga, dan sebagainya. berhubung daya ingat suami lebih tajam, dia inget persis yah dimana kita memfinalisasikan urusan ini. hari itu pertengahan bulan Ramadhan.. dan begitu Lebaran tiba, si aa pun bertandang ke rumah untuk bertemu orang tua, disusul pertemuan orang tua beberapa minggu setelahnya. kita pun mulai membagi tugas, menyusun budget, merancang ide...

yes we did all the preparation in 4 months, digging all the money out until the very bottom, picking brains until it went rotten, losing weight and mind... because of one brilliant idea that came up out of nowhere, on that very day, 8th of August 2012, while sipping a cup of coffee in Anomali Coffee, Setiabudi One.

ya ampuuunn, pantes kan gw stres, cuma 4 bulan bok! *cabik-cabik jilbab*

tapi satu hal yang gw syukuri, Allah SWT itu bersama orang-orang yang punya niat baik. begitu kita berdua memantapkan hati buat menikah, rezeki melimpah kayak air hujan... rasa-rasanya hal yang tadinya kita agak kesulitan untuk adakan, tiba-tiba aja bisa. saat itu deh gw merasa ini sebagai bukti Allah meridhai langkah yang gw ambil, persiapan gw yang dirasa orang terlalu sebentar atau dirasa mereka kayak terburu-buru, buktinya cukup-cukup aja tuh. I can't say that everything was perfect, but I embrace all imperfections and let it be (i even pray the day's over soon!)

okay, maybe i kinda hope the entertainment were an jazzy acoustic band and they played A1's Living The Dream.. i've known the song since i was very young and it fit!

Rabu, 21 November 2012

weekly update #1

Diposting oleh anindita di 13.22 2 komentar
1. We're finally moving. We did search for a house-for-rent but turned out they mostly had to be paid on yearly basis. We wanted a monthly rent because I aimed to go on study duty (what do they call 'tugas belajar'?) by January 2013, so, a yearly rent was impossible. After sitting back together and chatting over tea, we decided that we'll live in a bigger kos-kosan and the house will be yet to decide on January.

2.  I was granted the position of Chief Financial Officer (well, he simply declared the walking ATM) from His Majesty Royal Husband. I like to be taken charge of at least one job, and financial planning is something I am most curious about these days. I think I succeed in convincing him, due to the fact that I handled our last wedding planning quite good. Or he doesn't want the hassle... Many things to work on, and I am trying my best to get all of our needs financially ready.

3.  Our honeymoon is all about moving to one place and another. Hahaha, I wanted to say this was fun, but I was sick all the time. I think it's only a mere fatigue, fever and throatiness and such, but it took days to recover :( Luckily my husband is very gentle and willing to take care of me. On to the important note, at first we wanted to have this honeymoon planned seriously (or maybe just me).. We thought of Lombok, Bali, a cruise, and decided on April next year! So that's it, we have nowhere to go after wedding, hihihi, but as a gift to ourselves we stayed in a four-star hotel after leaving Samarinda, instead of going hiking to Gunung Bromo because I was still sick.

4. After a long long time...we entered the cinema! To watch Breaking Dawn Part II! Haha, the movie is not great, but during the entire Twilight Saga, we only missed the first movie of not watching it together so yes it's personal reason :P

5.  I love my husband even more... even more when he stepped forward to do the bathroom cleaning, the ironing, and serving me hot tea when I couldn't. That's a rare quality I'm glad to find (except cooking, my father wouldn't want to do household chores..he only deals with electricity, machines, and all man-things)

that's it... i would be happy to provide some pictures on the next posting.. my camera's been acting strange lately..

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