Kamis, 03 April 2008


Diposting oleh anindita di 16.31
Jenuh tu gak kenal tempat. Sama seperti ngantuk, kalo tiba-tiba nyerang, rasanya pengen tidur aja. Gak peduli meskipun saat itu kita lagi ujian (pengalaman pribadi, Red.), lagi nunggu temen, lagi baca komik, lagi nyetir (hmm.. pengalaman pribadi ’seseorang’), ato bahkan lagi nulis-nulis blog kayak gini.. tiba-tiba aja ada godaan buat sedikit terlelap.. Begitu pula dengan jenuh. Tau-tau aja seluruh sistem saraf menolak untuk beraksi, tubuh dan otak tersugesti untuk menolak jadwal kerja yang dengan rapi direkam di memori. Cuma satu alasan tapi alasan itu mewakili aspirasi seluruh sistem kerja tubuh kita. It feels like my brain ordered ”oh, come on, it’s not finished yet.. go on.. you can do it..” but the body responded sufferingly “noo, not again.. I’m fed up with these stuffs.. leave me you jerk!! Ooh, here it comes another project!! I hate this!! Get me out of this hell!!” –versi yang lebih didramatisasi—

Tapi ya itu, jenuh itu datangnya all of a sudden. Beban-beban yang menumpuk di sepanjang garis x tiba-tiba mencapai titik ekuilibrium, lalu berhenti. Gak ada reaksi. And now that’s what happened. There are many things to do, papers with great numbers of money clearly written on, many jobs listed on my yellow notes, all laid on my messed-up table but there’s no such thing called ‘keinginan-tulus-dari-lubuk-hati-yang-paling-dalam’ to make it done. At least, at this time, when ‘fed up’ strikes.

See.. I’ve never been this bored before.. I do my projects half-heartedly, and the only thing goes on my mind is to get out, get away from papers, papers, budget, money, money, AC, PC, then go to the beach or the zoo or musholla or.. just a single four-walls is enough.. I don’t need lights, I just need a blanket.. and let me sleep.. But I think I won’t be able to sleep.. maybe I just can take a breath, in, out.. think about beautiful days ever happened to me.. think about this darkness, think about what I can do tomorrow, think about someebody of my past, think about me, think about sins… and by then I must be fallen asleep..

See.. I even don’t know what I’m saying.. I just keep writing and writing and all these tiring stuff is out... sorry for inconvenient odd sentences..

3 komentar:

13th.BlackHell . on 3 April 2008 pukul 16.56 mengatakan...

ahh.. the wandering thoughts of a deranged mind...
so it happens to someone else.. and all this time i thought that no one share that overwhelming boredom that caused me.. myself to somehow almost cease to function.. even at some extreme point almost want to cease to exist...

ehh.. this is about that right?

Risminda Anindita on 3 April 2008 pukul 17.25 mengatakan...

well, it's quite fair due to this.. ehm, what should we call? oh yeah.. monotonous routinity.. i think everyone heart challenges and this kind of job (i never enjoy 'job', by the word, or by the definition ) which clearly only offers overwhelming boredom must be detested.. hoaaah... help me enjoy this, God..

13th.BlackHell . on 3 April 2008 pukul 17.37 mengatakan...

true enough..
doing the same thing over and over again without any sign of receding any time in the not-so-far future cause not just the body, but some part of the mind (which eventually leads to all part of the mind..) to reject it.. refuse to follow it.. which leads to what i said a "cease to function" state of self..
to enjoy it means to subdue to the will of other.. higher people in higher place than our own..n that would be our doom.. our bind to this never-ending monotonous activity.. our path to become yet another automatons of the government property..

we should choose not to enjoy it.. but the question is.. do we have any option at all to begin with??

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