Mood: Bosan setengah mati
Background playing: Modern Blues - Kula Shaker
Seriously guys, to me writing is healing. Dan dalam rangka membunuh perasaan kebosanan yang amat sangat ini saya memutuskan untuk menulis sesuatu. Ah, ide bisa datang dari mana saja teman. As they said, good artists copy, great artists steal, akhirnya saya pun mencomot ide ini dari blog seorang kawan dan menjadikannya bahan posting. Ffff.. I'm bored, okay?
Background playing: Modern Blues - Kula Shaker
Seriously guys, to me writing is healing. Dan dalam rangka membunuh perasaan kebosanan yang amat sangat ini saya memutuskan untuk menulis sesuatu. Ah, ide bisa datang dari mana saja teman. As they said, good artists copy, great artists steal, akhirnya saya pun mencomot ide ini dari blog seorang kawan dan menjadikannya bahan posting. Ffff.. I'm bored, okay?
Here’s the rule :
Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your
answer. After that tag 7 people.
::the age of next birthday::
ooh yeah, tahun ini saya akan berusia 19 tahun..means that i have a year counting to adolescence. if you ask how it affects me and my social life, i tell you that i just don't feel like i'm 18 at all. i only know that i've been pathetically old, because i have stable jobs and lots of money, can go wherever i want to, and i can buy and do almost anything i ever dreamed of when i was a child. yes, it feels so empty.
::place i’d like to travel::
it should be 'a place' but i can't stand to write 'places'. i am so into traveling to exotic locations, i love mountains, green scenery, ancient buildings, tiny islands, oceans, and lots of things that offer you beauty and serenity of itself. that's why, i choose Greece, New Zealand, and Morocco (pictures in order). Greece for its architectures, New Zealand for its beautiful scenery, and Morocco for its ambience of desert country. i don't count Indonesian regions as i am planning to explore all of them, so I better write another locations in which I still can't afford yet. oh yeah, i am willing to save money just to visit the three countries!
::a favourite place(s)::
my house in Samarinda has a not-so-big terrace full of pots and plants. i used to spend my times studying there, reading books, or only sleeping. i'm not quite fond of gardening as my parents are, but i do love being in the garden. when i have my own house i'm gonna have a garden, even if it's only in the form of narrow terrace with many pots, it must have chairs and fish pond there.
::a favourite food(s)::
::a favourite food(s)::
kalau Ibu saya bikin soto Lamongan, saya bisa menghabiskan 2-4 mangkok sekali makan. kayaknya itu cukup menggambarkan betapa sukanya saya. dan biasanya Ibu saya cuma bikin di saat-saat tertentu, hari raya, syukuran, ulang tahun, perayaan, dan semacamnya. mudiknya saya juga termasuk perayaan tentunya.
::a hobby::
that's not something new, i like traveling and reading. as for reading, i could finish a 300-pages book within two days or less, and move on to the next one. but now since i am working i find it rather hard to do, whereas my job makes me involved in so many writings and numbers and i lose interest in reading books. instead i enjoy myself doing a lot of traveling to many places. oh, and i do it with my own money, i never go to some place funded by my office and really consider it as an exciting trip. i mean, if you think a 4-star hotel room is very important then the trip must come to no avail because there's nothing special in it. except the honeymoon for we can take a different view.
::nickname i had::
who's Duma Riris Silalahi anyway? is she cooler than me? *sniffs* when i google my nickname, there's a bunch of pictures of her and alay girls showing up and i REALLY don't want to associate my name with those. here's the cake as the replacement!
P.S. i don't cheat, the cake is found in the search results.
::a favourite color(s)::
::a favourite music::
i am into garage rock. but i don't draw a line as i find political punk, rock, psychedelic, pop, and mod good too. depends on the mood indeed.
::a bad habit::
::my wish list::
don't you want it too bad? :)
hah, ternyata selama saya mengerjakan postingan ini, kerjaan justru berdatangan, jadilah detil yang saya harap bakal tertulis jadi gak jelas. i don't tag any people for this, if you want to write, just do it.
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