Jumat, 23 Desember 2011

chapped lips

Diposting oleh anindita di 17.50 2 komentar

Actually I'm being very kind not to post my close-up chapped lips in this blog so that any of you readers won't get too frightened. The image would be gruesome and how it feels on me is double. It's been three weeks I suffer from this, on and off, and I'm kinda lost on how to deal with this situation. Any heelllpppp?

Uhuk..so let me tell you how it all begins..hiks hiks..

I have this The Body Shop Wild Cherry lip butter which I got for free as a present for my birthday from the store. Yes, it was on October 2010. And the story goes, I didn't realize it's been a year past until one day I checked myself in the mirror and noticed a strangely vague crack on my lips. It's not unusual since we're in a colder season, so I didn't give a damn...and I kept using it over and over and over until then my lips were fully chapped, swollen, and dry. There were also erythema circling around. Yuck. Have you ever had this condition when one day you licked your lips and tasted a strange oily liquid? Strange because you didn't put anything on it but you couldn't stop sweeping away? That, my friend, is an oily film of your lips being removed.... and when you finally stop licking, your lips has been painfully dry. So stop licking lips even though they are fine.

not mine...

It took me that worst to finally throw away my HG lip butter and found out that the cause is expiration. 

I have another lip balm, this one is Banana Boat's. Good enough for daily use with sunscreen and such, so I thought this one could offer a bit help. What happened was it triggered the worst the chapped could be. I should know better that there's no way another chemical-contained lip care could heal. So the day after.. I could barely move my lips without feeling the pain. The lips looked almost all-white in crackness. Painfully gruesome. Total gruesome.

Now I'm using Vaseline petroleum jelly. 
It works like a magic. I mean my lips are gradually getting better, just need to dab it a few times a day.  But there are moments when I feel I am recovered enough and want to try that banana boat bitch because I left Vaseline at home. Nah, the chapped lips gets back. I realize that now I can't use any butters/cream/balms on my lips afterwards...so I'm thinking that Vaseline just gives me temporary relief, does not repair or heal, huhuhu.

By the way, from the references I read, there are other remedies to help. Coconut oil, applying honey, a slice of cucumber, aloe vera lip balm (bollocks, my Banana Boat also contains aloe vera), and....nasal sebum. Or in Bahasa: ingus. Thank God I have Vaseline in my room.

And the next month, I had to go to see a dermatologist because my lips became allergic to petrolathum!! Yikes, the pain is not over yet! I stopped using Vaseline, stuck to her prescription, and used Nivea Lip Balm (blue packaging) instead. The lips still gets dry at times (compared to the past, yes it gets dry more often), but Nivea moistures it enough I don't have an allergy afterwards.

Senin, 05 Desember 2011

ngisi kuesioner...

Diposting oleh anindita di 12.01 0 komentar

Menurut anda, bagaimana pengaruh prestasi yang anda dapatkan di sekolah dengan keberhasilan anda di masa depan ?
Oh, they care? I can’t see that there's any...

Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

my top movies of 2009

Diposting oleh anindita di 14.02 0 komentar
(*) halaman ini di-copas dari blog lama, hihihi. sengaja supaya saya rajin nulis dan bisa ngeliat ke tahun-tahun di belakang.

tahun 2009 kemaren, saya sering banget ke bioskop. hehehe, jadi saya tiba-tiba aja berkeinginan untuk menuliskan list film-film yang paling saya sukai di sepanjang tahun lalu. dan ini bukan berdasarkan peringkat, cuman sesuai yang diinget aja. here we go..


Sebenarnya sih cerita film ini gak bagus-bagus amat. Sama kek Titanic yang bisa jadi skripnya cuman dari anak klub film di SMA. Tapi visual effectsnya memukau bener gitu lohh, faktor yang berkesan dari Avatar adalah bikinnya bener-bener niat. Dibilang film termahal sepanjang sejarah, ya kita tau sendiri duitnya lari kemana aja, dan hasilnya emang cakep. Dari segi akting, sedari awal nonton saya gak berekspektasi bakalan gimana..biasanya film-film yang menonjolkan visual effect punya kesan pemeran utama bisa dimainkan aktor siapa saja. Nah, nilai plus di film ini adalah dia memajang Sam Worthington. Menarik bukan??(pembaca menelan ludah). Apalagi film ini memperlihatkan perkembangan fisik Worthington selama berbulan-bulan di planet lain seperti facial hair dan rambut yang otomatis membuat saya bingung harus memilih di adegan dan bentuk wajah seperti apa Worthington keliatan paling cakep.

2. (500) Days of Summer

Jarang sekali saya menyukai suatu film dari genre romantis, tapi somehow ketika menonton film ini saya merasakan korelasi dengan tokoh Summer Finn. Labil, suka bersenang-senang, tidak mencari komitmen tapi butuh kasih sayang, xixixixi. Proses editing yang menarik dalam film ini membuat kita gak kehilangan trek dalam menyusuri 500 hari dalam kehidupan Tom sejak ia bertemu Summer sampai dia berhasil move on. Very lovely. Oh iya, ketimbang menyebutnya sebagai film romantis rasa-rasanya ini lebih pantes disebut film coming-of-age. Moving on is the hardest part, but so is finding true love.

3. The Damned United
Make way for Brian Clough..
Review is in previous page.

4. Watchmen

Saya suka banget sama ambience dan sinematografi film ini, mulai dari opening credit yang super keren, adegan funeral yang diiringi lagunya simon & garfunkel, tone warna yang suram, sampai karakterisasi yang jauh dari kesan superhero kebanyakan. Mereka adalah manusia biasa, dengan kemampuan berbeda-beda tanpa sumber daya asing. They're almost real, kecuali Dr. Manhattan tentunya, tapi saya menangkap esensi tokoh ini, dia menggambarkan keberadaan orang-orang yang didewakan karena kecerdasan atau kekuasaannya yang luar biasa. Lagian, mengingat ending dan sosok villain yang unpredictable (tapi endingnya sangat bagusss, saya terpukau), film ini tergolong berat untuk ukuran film superhero. Penuh muatan filosofis dan nudisme. Durasinya juga agak lama, dan hampir membosankan di tengah-tengah. Ngomong-ngomong, adegan dewasa di film ini terlalu lama deh menurut saya, toh gak memberikan dampak berarti kalo gak ditayangkan. Malah bikin ilfil.

5. Zombieland

Hello, ini sudah tahun 2009 dan masi ada film tentang zombie? Eh tapi kalau bukan karena trailernya yang keliatan kocak mengenai strategi menghadapi zombie saya juga gak bakal kepikir nonton film ini, apalagi waktu itu udah midnight hihihi. Dan hasilnya gak mengecewakan. Hilarious.

6. Garuda Di Dadaku

Ini film yang sangat lovable. Jarang-jarang ada film Indonesia yang penyampaiannya gak menggurui dan dialognya gak kesinetron-sinetronan meskipun udah bawa tema yang bagus. Tapi tetep aneh ngeliatin si kakek nyuruh cucunya les melukis dan drum dan gak bolehin sepak bola dengan alasan "itu gak menjamin masa depan kamu". Huwooo, kalo menurut saya melukis dan jadi drummer itu posisinya setara lo dalam hal ketidakpastian masa depan, main bola masi mending. Mungkin kalo si adek ceritanya dipaksa jadi PNS jatohnya kurang seru ya?

7. Whip It

Hey, who knows that a movie as cute as this one is directed by Drew Barrymore? Another best coming-of-age flick of the year, dengan munculnya bintang tamu mas Landon Pigg yang luar biasa luncang sebagai pacar si tokoh utama. Agak berbau female empowerment kata orang, tapi peduli setan yak, orang-orang suka membeda-bedakan genre berdasarkan tema gender deh. Habis nonton film ini saya jadi pingin bisa main sepatu roda..kalo cuma gedebak gedebuk fisik mah saya natural, hihi.

8. Inglourious Basterds

Cerita apa yang kamu harap dari film yang spellingnya aja ngaco gini? Mereka menulis ulang sejarah dengan ngaco - Hitler seenaknya diledakkan di dalam gedung bioskop. Namun selain sutradara kenamaan semacam Tarantino, yang paling mencuri perhatian adalah Hans Landa (dan sampai sekarang si aktor selalu saya identifikasi dengan nama ini), the Jew Hunter nan bengis yang suka minum susu dan diperankan dengan amat sangat brilian sekali sampai kamu lupa kalau ada Brad Pitt di frame yang sama. Brad Pitt who?? Well I don't fancy him but I must say that he's so damn good at picking movies. Every film he's starred in is unbelievably brills.

Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

23 Oktober 2011

Diposting oleh anindita di 07.36 0 komentar
....atau 24 Oktober yak? Jam tangan ketinggalan, hape metong, gak ada jam dinding.

The Three Musketeers
MU 1 v 6 City
QPR 1 v 0 Chelsea

wohaa, biasanya saya akan melontarkan ejekan ke teman-teman pendukung MU abis itu...ih wow, serinya liverpool lawan tim promosi jadi terlupakan aja loh, headline di semua media pasti jugak tentang 'a n16ht to remember'..xixixi, hari apa lagi cobak yang lebih membahagiakan dari ini?

but all of a sudden the headline itself was replaced by another lovely thing.


Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011

Love is a Laserquest

Diposting oleh anindita di 08.28 0 komentar

do you still feel younger than you thought you would by now?
or, darling, have you started feeling old yet?

don't worry, i'm sure that you're still breaking hearts
with the efficiency that only youth can harness
and do you still think love is a laserquest?
or do you take it all more seriously?
i've tried to ask you this in some daydreams that i've had
but you're always busy being make-believe
and do you look into the mirror to remind yourself you're there?
or have somebody's good-night kisses got that covered?

when i'm not being honest, i'll pretend that you were just some lover
now i can't think of there without thinking of you
i doubt that comes as a surprise
and i can't think of anything to dream about
i can't find anywhere to hide
and when i'm hanging on by the rings around my eyes
and i convince myself i need another
and for a minute it gets easier to pretend that you were just some lover

when i'm pipe and slippers and rocking chair
singing dreadful songs about something
will i've found a better method of pretending you were just some lover?
will i've found a better method of pretending you were just some lover?

I know it's kinda lame to post lyrics at this entry, but since Alex Turner can't just stop making me swoon, I'm just gonna pretend that he wrote the abovementioned specifically for me. Click THIS if you want a listen. Happy birthday to me by the way.. :*

Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

old story

Diposting oleh anindita di 13.54 0 komentar

"i don't know how to say this correctly...but i should..."

"then just say.."

"you gotta hate me for this..i know.."

"so why hesitate? you have prepared yourself for the worst, haven't you?"

"hey..why are you so.. *sigh* fine, i met someone else.."

"..and you think she's the one. oh, of course i know."

"you know? how? did anyone tell you?"

"oh come on. for the last three months you've been very much out of reach. you didn't call me very often no more, hung up my call at certain times ,and didn't reply my text. you forgot your promises over and over again and blamed it on your freaking study!"

"why didn't you break up with me anyway?"

"i'm waiting for you, from the very first hand, to stand up and tell me right away, you jerk! and it took you such a long time to do that!"

"but you could just do it any time."

"and it's enough of a proof to tell me how coward you are. i need no formality or long goodbye, if that's what you intend to. thank you for calling."

that is how it was supposed to be that day, 3 years ago. everytime i look back on the day when i should say "of course i know..." i can't help but hold my fist. you never did know that i was burst into tears later on, right? that i never ever figured out before that you were betraying me. that i was too angry to listen to any of your words so i hung up the phone so sudden. that i never thought it would happen. that i just couldn't stop thinking how naive i was.

i wonder if you ever thought of me like i did back then. i wonder if you ever loved me as much as i did. because if you did, you would find it hard to let me go, wouldn't you? but you didn't.. it all seemed too easy. i recall the time when we had this daily nonsensical conversation late at night, made some laughable stories and imagined things like wild creatures, aliens, UFOs... oh how good you were at words. i commanded myself to stop staring and waiting for anything from you popping up my screen, thus encouraged myself so hard not to reply your text and return your calls.

but then again... i remember you sang Hey There Delilah to me on the phone when i first arrived in Jakarta. your singing that mostly sucks big time all of a sudden sounded good. i don't know why, and i had no idea what song it was, so i just said 'thank you, it was good'. i didn't lie, you know. it hit me at the right place, being for the numerous times far away from you i found it comforting, consoling, and i felt loved by you. blimey, i never thought it would be the last time.

"after all you put me through, you'd think i'd despise you. but in the end i wanna thank you, cause you've made me that much stronger..."

few days ago, i don't know from whom you got my cellphone number since i was too surprised to hear from you again. finally, after all these years we both talked and shared several stories, and by the way you spoke, you sounded a bit nervous. i don't feel anything at all, if you believe. i've lost that kinda feeling so long ago - in fact, the thing that we did back then only reminds me of the innocence of my youth - i am so glad, and well, you should :)

Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

in a mood of love songs, anyone?

Diposting oleh anindita di 15.41 2 komentar

The anticipated Valentine's Day is coming right away (by the time this blog is posted it may have passed - well yeah, totally) and everywhere I went there were cakes, chocolates, balloons, cute gifts, etc. Alright, since I don't fancy celebrating that kind of thing (no, seriously, besides the religion issue, V-Day is such a joke) I'm thinking of writing a list - numbers of love songs which I find enchanting, touching, and moving.

What? I'm not being pathetic. The issue here is lately I find myself hating almost everything. The ticking clock, the desktop background, the scale, the traffic, the biological clock, the watch, I become frustrated each day because I ain't got nothing to do and I grow tired of this routine. I used to enjoy karaoke that muucccchhhh but now I'm done - I mean, everyone can still ask me out for that but the microphone doesn't turn me on as it used to. See, I run out of things to do, why not complain?

I don't dig classic love songs taken from Evergreen series - bleh, they're totally overplayed and lack of emotions. I mean, sometimes they consist of too much of a worshipping images of lovers and how hurt is being broken-hearted. I'm thinking of something simply eloquent and more of my taste - ha! that's what my blog's all about. Love songs should be emotional, but not too much. Serene yet meaningful. It doesn't make you cry a river but you can almost sense the need to. It is something that moves your heart and cuts it into pieces. Mehh.. I'll tell you what they are.

The Blower's Daughter - Damien Rice
knock-out lyrics: "I can't take my eyes off of you" repeatedly sung by his rasp of a voice...huh..dramatic..
overall: IMO, this song is about how easy it is to fall in love, there's just no reason needed, and it's so damn hurt to even let it go.

Something - The Beatles
knock-out lyrics: something in the way she moves / attracts me like no other lover //
overall: how can i say, i've always loved George Harrison. ada yang bilang lagu ini diciptakan buat istrinya saat itu (Pattie Boyd) dan liriknya memang bertutur tentang that special feeling. every songs would be the greatest song ever if it's written by one of the Beatle. this is on top, classic.

Layla - Eric Clapton
knock-out lyrics: "Please don't say we'll never find a way, or tell me all my love's in vain"
overall: Eric Clapton naksir sama istrinya George Harrison, dan membuatkannya lagu ini. that damn lucky girl Pattie Boyd! got it?

And I Love Her - The Beatles
knock-out lyrics: "I give her all my love, that's all I do. And if you saw my love, you'd love her too. I love her."
overall: love anthem dari The Beatles. lirik mereka simpel sekali, tanpa metafora apa-apa. saya pikir, yah, memang mencintai tak harus bertele-tele kan, bikin puisi yang niatnya puitis tapi kehilangan koherensi. *ngelirik lagu cinta masa kini*

Truly Madly Deeply - Savage Garden
knock-out lyrics: "I want to stand with you on a mountain, I want to bathe with you in the sea. I want to lay like this forever, until the sky falls down on me."
overall: cheesy, gombal, nggilani, norak.. ahhh tapi kalo digoda pake lagu ini kok masih lumer aja.. loh, curhat?

I Won't Spend Another Night Alone - The Ataris
knock-out lyrics: "out of every girl I meet, no other can compete. I'd ditch 'em all for a night with you"
overall: cheesy no.2. sori deh, selera pribadi, tapi somehow saya kepikiran untuk memasukkan lagu ini di acara pernikahan saya nanti, hehehe.

With or Without You - U2
knock-out lyrics: "you gave it all but I want more"
overall: hatiku sampai tersayat-sayat. ooohh.. intinya mungkin too much love will kill you yak. agak ngarang sih but I just can't explain really well what could be the meaning of "I can't live with or without you". being with someone you love is such a pain, but to be without has the same price, no?

Hey There Delilah - Plain White T's
knock-out lyrics: "if you get lonely, give this song another listen. close your eyes, listen to my voice - it's my disguise, i'm by your side"
overall: a girl left the town to continue her study and her boyfriend wrote a song for her. true story. lucky you Delilah, most of the guys I know will end up writing songs like Yank by Wali.

Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
knock-out lyrics: "I don't quite know how to say how I feel. Those three words are said too much, they're not enough. "
overall: deep. every words I write won't be enough then.

You're Beautiful - James Blunt
knock-out lyrics: "I saw your face in a crowded face, and I don't know what to do"
overall: there's just something I can relate this song to myself. how many times do you feel that way, catch a glimpse of beautiful faces and instantly fall in love but it just goes nowhere? you don't get a chance to know his/her name and address (unless you are Rahma Azhari) but once it happened, time just stops and starts again in an extra speed to catch up.

Cornerstone - Arctic Monkeys
knock-out lyrics: "tell me where's your hiding place? I'm worried I'll forget your face. and I've asked everyone, I'm beginning to think I imagined you all along"
overall: truth be told, I'm so gonna get out of my hiding place and scream 'I'm here, Alex..'. keliatannya agak-agak mirip dengan You're Beautiful untuk dituliskan ulang, dalam versi kali ini ada seseorang yang desperately seeking someone he's longed for.

Walking After You - Foo Fighters
knock-out lyrics: "i cannot be without you, matter of fact i'm on your back. if you walk out on me, i'm walking after you."
overall: agak bikin bergidik. mulai masuk tahap berlebihan ini lagu.

I'll Kill Her - Soko
knock-out lyrics: all the lines, but i'll be kind to give you a sample: You were supposed to call me tonight / we'd have gone to the cinema// ...../ you were dating that bleached blonde girl / and if i find her, i swear i swear / i'll kill her, i'll kill her //
overall: hey, you know what to do if you find your girl singing this song, right?

Stay With Me - Shakespeare's Sister
knock-out lyrics: "in the silence of your room, in the darkness of your dreams, you must only think of me"
overall: yak, run! escape!

ooh, and I need to write down some of my friends' answers.

@sigitadhi Parachute - Cheryl Cole
Cute! Tapi bagian dimana dia bilang 'I don't need a parachute, you're gonna catch me if I fall' membuat saya membayangkan sosok pria bertubuh besar seperti balon dan perutnya mental-mental kayak trampolin. Turn-off.

@nasr_muhammad If You're Not The One - Daniel Beddingfield, When A Man Loves A Woman - Michael Bolton
aahhh, cukup jelas, lagu ini menggambarkan betapa payahnya pria kalo lagi jatuh cinta.

@onoirtnipi Thank You For Loving Me - Bon Jovi
jreng, hampir sama kayak diatas. but then again (saya sudah keliatan bosan menulis ya? maap)
Bon Jovi can do no wrong when it comes to cheesy love songs. no matter how cheesy it sounds, you'll categorize it very light one, forgiveable.

@aldreee Because You Loved Me - Celine Dion
oh, how good life would be when you found yer soulmate. thanks for reminding me.. to find one.

@ricky_____ Tell Me What You're Thinking - Say No More
ha, simple and sweet. it doesn't explain how the relationship is, whether they share the same affection or not. leave the options open, it could be both sides or just one, but it's just plain sweet.

Senin, 07 Februari 2011

El Nino!

Diposting oleh anindita di 16.28 0 komentar
I used to be a big fan of Fernand-who To**es, but let's say it's just one of a mild romanticism in the past. Now that he's gone to another English club, everything just doesn't feel okay. No, I won't bring him down, did we use to have wonderful times together, did we use to cheer and bounce everytime he scored? As Kenny Dalglish said: "Players come and go, but the club stands still". I just want to say good luck to him. Good luck on finally "joining a big club" and being on your way to win something! (oh wow, so we smashed the big club last night? i thought it was some of plastic clubs!)!

But well, just don't blame me on enjoying this motion picture though... XD

pictures above are from last night's game, Chelsea vs Liverpool that ended 0-1.

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