Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009


Diposting oleh anindita di 16.46 5 komentar
bolehkah sekali-kali saya marah pada bos saya? and no i'm not talking about salary or what, i'm talking about fairness. yeah, fairness baby, bold it. i know i have low education background, compared to that holy great people that he takes in, but we all deserve the same treatment right? some people want to work in our office so they have a chance to study abroad or get scholarship, and THOSE PEOPLE get their chances so damn easilyyyyy like they only need to show' 2009' in their CV. you think i'm jealous? you think you won't? if you think i'm just jealous or i need to clear my mind up from jealousy then you should have met him and them or just go interview every man you can meet here. i mean, how come it be them? doesn't he think that his treatment can make social gap or any other consequences? fiuhhh... if they start to treat everyone of 2009's this way from now on, i don't think i have a chance to be on higher position..seriously.


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